Uponor Group
Pipeline to Profit; Integrated Business Planning
As leading providers of plumbing and indoor climate solutions and as suppliers of municipal infrastructure systems, the Uponor Group has over sixty years’ experience in the development and production of components, systems, and plastic pipework.
In the last thirteen years, Uponor has undergone a radical transformation to become a world-class organization, filtering out hereditary behaviors in the process. Helping to lay the groundwork for this remarkable achievement were business transformation specialists, Oliver Wight, and global application provider, Oracle. Together, they developed a solution, combining Integrated Business Planning (IBP) and advanced IT systems to build the pipeline leading to Uponor’s global success.
"Inventories have been reduced by 50% and delivery performance has improved by 20-30% in OTIF (on-time in-full), with a focus on having the products at the right place, at the right time."