Many organizations commonly experience "firefighting". This is a condition where frequent near-term changes in orders, product launches, and supply, drives organizations from one crisis to the next.
Integrated Tactical Planning (ITP) has proven to be a solution to this problem, giving organizations the ability to re-plan quickly and accurately as circumstances change, and engage the right people, at the right level, in the right time horizon, to collaboratively agree to the change in plans.
When these functions work together to respond to change, execution improves without 'firefighting.' Ultimately, outcomes are more positive for the organization, its customers, and its suppliers.
Read our latest book available both as hard copy and as an e-book to learn:
- Methods for improving reaction time and lowering costs when responding to near-term changes to customer orders and the availability of finished product and materials.
- How to include product portfolio changes and new product launches in near-term planning and execution, using Integrated Tactical Planning.
- Different design and deployment strategies, structures, and roles in Integrated Tactical Planning with a focus on process sustainability.
- Behavioral and performance requirements for Integrated Tactical Planning to improve competitiveness and reduce business costs.
- What it takes to successfully deploy Integrated Tactical Planning, illustrated with a comprehensive case study of an Oliver Wight client.
"I highly recommend reading this, especially if your company has a monthly S&OP/IBP process or if you have any kind of weekly planning process or are planning to implement one. What I like about Oliver Wight's approach and about this book is that it gives you a holistic view on how to build a short-term cross-functional planning process and why you should build it in a certain way." - Timo Rantala, Head of Integrated Business Planning at Tikkurila
Hear the four authors of Oliver Wight's new Integrated Tactical Planning book - Rod Hozack, Todd Ferguson, Stuart Harman, and Dawn Howarth, discuss why they wrote the book and explain some of the business problems that it is intended to help readers solve. Watch Here >