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In the press
23 Jul 2024

Breaking The Cycle

Mining & Minerals Today

Monte Maritz shares practical steps miners can take to deliver continuous value through the boom and bust of the commodity cycle.

12 Jul 2024

Avoiding the AI abyss – steps to navigate hype and achieve real and lasting results

With vendors promising transformative results and media outlets heralding AI as the solution to every problem, how can business leaders discern genuine value from empty buzzwords?

08 Jul 2024

Reality check: is your Integrated Business Planning software really delivering value?

Many companies have invested heavily in IBP, believing it will be the silver bullet for their planning challenges. But all too often, the reality fails to live up to the hype – here’s why…

03 Jul 2024

The perils of blind trust in AI – why human accountability must not be automated away

Ensuring oversight is critical as AI becomes increasingly integrated into critical business functions. A recent case involving Air Canada’s chatbot highlights the risks of over-reliance on AI without proper governance and transparency.

In the press
02 Jul 2024

Editor’s Question: How do you improve your customer relations?

Intelligent CXO

Businesses need to constantly keep up with the ever-changing demands of customers. Five experts discuss how to improve customer relations.

In the press
26 Jun 2024

“My best person is my biggest blocker…what do I do?”

Business In The News

A problem that comes up surprisingly often with CEOs I work with is “My biggest blocker is… my best person! What do I do?”. It is pretty dispiriting to find that the person you most need onside is the person seemingly slowing things down the most.

In the press
19 Jun 2024

Reality Check: Is Your Integrated Business Planning Software Really Delivering Value?


Many companies have invested heavily in IBP, believing it will be the silver bullet for their planning challenges. But all too often, the reality fails to live up to the hype – here’s why…

07 Jun 2024

Beyond supply and demand – why portfolio management is the missing link for IBP success

Your IBP process is likely leaving money on the table if focusing solely on supply and demand balancing. Combining strategic product, financial, and resource plans is essential for alignment and agility.

In the press
28 May 2024

Achieving High Performance Manufacturing when faced with multiple disruptors

Manufacturing Today

Whilst many manufacturers profess to be agile and in control, often when you look beneath the surface the fact is they simply have a great team of firefighters. 

15 May 2024

Neil Hill’s cycling challenge for Young Lives vs Cancer

Bristol to Amsterdam 2024

After the London to Paris ride we completed in May 2022 a group of six riders joined together to come up with a follow up challenge!

In the press
24 Apr 2024

Navigating Stormy Seas – Why Today’s CEOs Must Be Tech-Savvy Captains

CEO Today

Why is becoming tech-savvy key to running a business?

23 Apr 2024

Steps to achieve Integrated Business Planning success – navigating the icebergs

IBP is a challenging but rewarding journey that requires careful navigation and a focus on key factors, from prioritization to partnerships, to help organizations steer clear of pitfalls and reach their desired destination.

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