Note: All names in this blog are fictitious. The events really happened.
Les Brookes, CEO of Oliver Wight EAME, welcomes in the new year by sharing seven business predictions for organisations in 2020.
As one of the world's most well-known and oldest toy manufacturers, Santa Claus has had to adapt and modernise to meet 21st century demand. Find out more!
A good CEO can make or break a business, so we've created an infographic on the ten characteristics that make the perfect CEO to help you check whether yours ticks all the boxes...
The Halloween Supply Chain can be a nightmare if you're ill-prepared for its challenges. In this blog, Andy Walker reveals shares his insights on how to stop being spooked by supply chains.
In the third and final instalment of this blog series, Debbie Bowen-Heaton explains why trust between the CEO and the workforce is crucial to success.
So, you’re sold on the idea of Integrated Business Planning and want to make a case for change, but you’re sensing hesitation from your colleagues in Product, Sales, Marketing and Finance functions.
Oliver Wight Partner, Debbie Bowen-Heaton, shares her insights on the challenges facing the retail sector as the Brexit countdown continues...