Record temperatures around the world should be alarming for everyone, but the onus is on organizations to take meaningful action, for the sake of humanity.
Birgit Breitschuh explores the rut many CEOs often find themselves in through short-term fire-fighting.
Oliver Wight Partner Ben Collins shares his experience and learnings from attending the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium earlier this month.
ChatGPT reached 100 million users in only two months, so businesses need to make the most of this game-changing technology, but human resource departments must be invested to ensure people are developed and not demotivated.
Change management is a crucial but often neglected area for organizations in 2023, yet a combination of tech tools, data, and old-fashioned storytelling skills will answer the vital question: “What’s in it for me?”
People will grow sick of seemingly endless reorganisations. Employers therefore need to take measures to keep their staff as engaged and motivated as possible amid all the disruption.
Evolve or die are the options in this age of digital Darwinism, and recent technological advancements have forced organizations to act, but it’s vital to not forget those caught in the messy middle.
There are no hard and fast rules to making a business more sustainable, but a tailored and holistic approach to sustainability that meets a company’s strategy and aims will pay in more ways than one.
The holistic approach to operations offered by IBP enables CEOs and managers to have greater visibility of the performance of all functions, and that agility is vital in 2023.
Extended planning and analysis is arguably not the issue when it comes to generating accurate or relevant forecasts, while Integrated Business Planning offers everything organizations require.
Whatever you think about what caused the downward spirals suffered by these banks, it would be wise to work on the basis that there may well be more to come and, if so, their consequences could be far-reaching.
ChatGPT, Bard and other tools are incredibly impressive, for sure, but business leaders need to work out how best to use them – if at all – and not simply feed the robotic beast.